Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 24

Ok I'm going to start with the end of yesterday first because I think it is official they are trying to kill me.  

First it was food that had sat out since lunch, ( I'm fine today so obviously the bacteria levels had not gotten too high). Now last night because I haven't been wanting to eat he said they would make me some chicken soup.  Oh, that sounded good.  Ok.  What he put in front of me was Ramen.   I do not remember the sodium content exactly I just remember it is an obscene amount of sodium.   Ok, I am taking medication to reduce fluids because one of the effects of altitude sickness is edema.  And this guy wants to load me up on sodium.   Well at least it was delicious.  I do love Ramen, just can't eat that much sodium and feel good about it.  Fortunately, again I could only eat half the bowl before getting full.  So I shall probably survive this too. 

 Today I had basically 4 hours of private lessons because the only other student is off on a tour of Machu Picchu.  I am planning on taking my trip on the weekend.  After all I am here for classes first, vacation second.  Oh that is a lot of thinking in Spanish.  The brain uses glucose so I think I am burning up a lot of calories sitting in these classes. 

After class I walked to Plaza de la Armas for lunch.  Found the restaurant that was recommended and got a beautiful fruit salad.  Pineapples, mandarin oranges, peaches, strawberries, grapes and papaya with whipped cream.  It was also served with "granola" but it was very similar to sugar smacks cereal less then granola.  Also had a tall glass of freshly squeezed tangerine juice.  

They are very big on fresh juice drinks here.  In the mercado there is a row of stalls of vendors only offering juices freshly squeezed.  Why not?  They have some of the best looking fruit I have seen anywhere.  Huge grapes, juiciest mandarin oranges, but I do not care for papaya.  The avocados here are humongous.  I'm sure they are delicious but as they do not agree with me I have to pass.   

While walking and shopping I had a girl give me a flyer come on up and get a one hour massage for ......   20 soles.  Yep one hour for about 8 bucks.   Figured I needed the help in circulation so I took her up on it.  Bless her heart she tried her best and most of the time it was just fine but ever so often she would do something that pinched the skin.  Eh, what do you expect for an 8 dollar massage?  It did the trick for circulation for sure, relaxing not so much. 

Lol I bought some sweaters for the guys back home.  I probably paid too much because she gave me a little gift.  Of course I bought four so that could be why.  I did get a small discount and when I say I paid too much that is by their standards if you do the math the price is excellent.  My house father said he sends a large box to his brother who lives in Tucson and the shops resell them for 4 times as much.   Maybe I should look on eBay and see if they are selling there!  

Speaking of mementos they have these small squash that they cure and paint beautifully.  They cost about 8 dollars, the handiwork is incredible.   

On the way back I stopped at a beauty shop, really a hole in the wall to get my hair washed.  But she wanted 25 soles.  In Lima it was only 10 so I thought she was asking too much.  I asked at the school and they agreed.  She thought she had a green one on the line.!   Back at the house, dinner then bed.  Getting dressed for bed it is cold as heck in this house. But my blankets are heavy so I warm up quickly.  It is very dry here.  


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