Day 14
Sunday I got up very early had a taxi by 6:20. For those of you who know me well you know I don't do 6AM. No problem with catching bus. We headed out as usually on Peruana time which means 30 minutes late. First stop was for a bathroom break. Ok here is a tip. If you really like using toilet paper remember to always keep some on you. Because it is apparently not a high priority for the locations to provide it.
Next stop was a sort of police patrol, had to wonder about my tour because it seems he got a ticket for not having all papers in order. Brief delay then on our way. Passed by some beautiful beaches I wish I could find a way to get out to them. Renting a car is out of the question, driving here is crazy. Street markings, stop signs are all really suggestions more then actual rules. I know that Ted would go nuts. Cars honk as a method of communication but he jumps if someone honks at him. Yea, his head would explode trying to drive here. He might try it, cause he is too cheap to take taxis, but I'm smart enough to know when I'm beat.
Our first stop was in a small town called Caneta. That n should have a tilde over it but I can't do with this keyboard. Some words the spell check knows that and corrects for me, but oh well. This little town seems to be a collection of hovels with a beautiful plaza, a gorgeous boulevard with antique lights, benches for sitting and a type of animal park. Interesting that in the circus here animals are prohibited for concern for the animals. Yet this little zoo has animals in cages too small. Many were pacing back and forth. But the cages were clean and they seemed well fed and healthy otherwise. Towards the back was a basketball court. They seem to really like those here but the society as a whole is rather short so probably no NBA Stars coming out of Peru. All around were representations of things such as great wall of china, pyramids, macchu picchu, disney characters, looney tunes, Adam and Eve complete with snake in tree and various others with no discernible pattern. They had something similar to a pedicab with three wheels but it is motorized and covered. The cemetary was next door a sad desolate looking place. But I hear people are dying to get in there. Lol.
Next stop was the real destination, Lunahuana. There I had lunch. Because of my stomach issues I asked the guide to point me in the direction of a place that was sure to be sanitary and where I could get caldo de gallina ( chicken soup) . He walked me to a place and as I sat down an old man that was on out tour alone had been following and he helped himself to my table. I didn't talk to him much. I'm sure he would have been interesting but again with stomach issues I just wanted some quiet time. He tried to engage me a couple of times and about half way through lunch he asked if I was married. When I said yes, he pretty much left me alone. Hmmm.... Not quite sure if he just wanted the company or was the old guy really trying to get with me?
After lunch I headed for my adventure, white water rafting. We crammed into little busses that ran us up river, quick instructions and into the raft. The mountains surrounding the river are brown sand and rock. The boulders in the river were huge. You could easily imagine you were transported back to time of dinosaurs. Boulders taller then me, smooth and just beautiful. Of course we got completely soaked. In one side was a steep climb to the street on the other the mountains. No animals but plenty people standing around to watch the rafters. At the take out quite a climb back up was necessary. Got to the top and it was mayhem but guides to direct you.
After I changed my clothes had time for a little shopping. A truck driving through the streets with it's cargo bed full of mandarin oranges, something they grow here. On his loud speaker he was announcing his wares, 1 kilo of oranges for 1 Soles. Is a kilo 2.2 pounds? So about 2 pounds of oranges for about 40 cents. I bought two kilos. That was the best mandarin orange I have ever had. It probably was picked that same day or the day before.
After I changed my clothes had time for a little shopping. A truck driving through the streets with it's cargo bed full of mandarin oranges, something they grow here. On his loud speaker he was announcing his wares, 1 kilo of oranges for 1 Soles. Is a kilo 2.2 pounds? So about 2 pounds of oranges for about 40 cents. I bought two kilos. That was the best mandarin orange I have ever had. It probably was picked that same day or the day before.
The bus then took me to an archeological site where at first I thought there wasn't much. From the road you crossed the river on a suspension bridge that felt more like a trampoline with the movement, to a small area with about 8 tables selling souvenirs and honey. Then a small collection of boards tied together to cross a small tributary to the river where there were many horses you could rent.
I was tempted but they lead you up themselves and I don't really need to pay for a pony ride. So I headed up the hill not knowing what I would find. There was a whole little plaza with a band playing and people dancing. There was a boy giving a talk about how they gather the honey complete with the bees and all. Then we sampled three types of honey. The first was normal, the second tasted like it had a liquor added and then a molasses tasting one.
I was tempted but they lead you up themselves and I don't really need to pay for a pony ride. So I headed up the hill not knowing what I would find. There was a whole little plaza with a band playing and people dancing. There was a boy giving a talk about how they gather the honey complete with the bees and all. Then we sampled three types of honey. The first was normal, the second tasted like it had a liquor added and then a molasses tasting one.
The fun is not over at the other end of the square they are producing wine and Pisco. Pisco being the favorite alcohol of Peru. A short talk, a few samples and then you could purchase. How do you know if it is a quality bottle of Pisco? You shake the bottle, if the inside liquid forms itself to look like a tornado then it is quality.
I had left my backpack on the bus and I would swear I had left it closed but it was slightly opened. Who knows, there was nothing in it but my wet clothes and so nothing was taken.
On the way back we had a movie, Battleship. At least it was something I had not seen. Now when we got back it was a quieter corner where I was dropped off and I was a little concerned about getting a cab. Thought about just hoofing it. Glad I didn't because I would have set off in the wrong direction. But apparently if you get into the wrong cab they will take you somewhere different drop you off where there is a group to rob you. So you want to make sure you get a good one. There are buses but I haven't figured those out just yet.
The tour guide went with me to the corner for a taxi. He dismissed the first one and negotiated me a price on the second. I made it home well so I guess he knows his taxis!
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