Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 9

Today I went to the movies to see Ice Age.  I planned on meeting two other girls there,  but we are not operating in the world of text mags and cell phones here.  They have cell phones in Peru of course but we don't.  So the movie started at 8:15.  I arrived at 8:15.  Not  seeing the girls I assumed they bought their tickets and were inside.  It was crazy busy because Tuesday is 1/2 off.  Inside I could not see anyone, it was already dark so I take a seat and watch the movie.  Ok,  I need more time here,  just beginning to think I'm doing pretty good.  But of course the teachers speak clearly and a little slower.  The movie was much quicker, so a little harder to follow.  BTW, I didn't get popcorn but if I did movie, popcorn and cola would have been about 8 dollars.  I really see why this is a great place to retire.  If you are on social security you can live very well here. I stopped at one place for lunch and most items were 22 soles and I thought wow that is way too expensive, I usually pay 9 soles and a restaurant around the corner that is super high class is 40 soles.  But the 22 would have been 8.50.  In the states that would have seem cheap.  But here I thought oh, no.

I went somewhere I got soup, a plate with rice, potatoes, a chicken breast filled with asparagus and carrots, a glass of juice and a small dessert for 12 soles.  That's 4.61.  Just crazy.   And it was good and no I have not gotten sick even one time.  They bring the food out when it is ready, so they do not hold for the whole table so everyone gets theirs fresh and hot.  This restaurant is actually the first to serve me a salsa. But I got a very small container. About a tablespoon. With the first bite I realizes that was more then enough. Oh my, I had forgotten I was in a south American country and to be wary of the salsa. I thought my mouth would explode, right there. Next time I will be much more cautious. The juice I had today was very interesting.  Chicha Morado.  I did not know what it was.  It had a vaguely familiar taste I could not nail down. But it was very good.  Turns out it is made of corn, a purple corn.   Oh, I forgot to finish my story about the girls.  As it turns out one got their at 8:30 and the movie was sold out so she got a seat for another.  The third got their around same time but they didn't see each other.  She also got a ticket for another movie but went I to Ice Age.  But no one ever saw another.  So we went to movies together but we didn't. We have pictures now, thanks to my wonderful husband so you want to peruse some of the past posts to see what he has put up.


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