Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 8

Monday the start of week 2.  I can already tell these five weeks are going to go by too quickly.  I was afraid that 5 weeks would be too long but no, I'm already thinking I need to stay.  I can tell I am already starting to think in Spanish.  I think of something to write to my husband and I am thinking in Spanish and the realize no, I probably want to write to him in English.  My classes changed and now they start at 9 both back to back so instead of having a lunch break I am done at lunch time.  My conversation class now has only one other man but maybe tomorrow we get a new student?  Who knows?  My grammar class is with the same people except we lost one.   She is done.  Classes start every Monday so you can jump in any Monday and start wherever your level is.   One of the girls is taking surfing lessons on Tuesday.  So I may go with her and get to the beach tomorrow but probably I will go to the movies.  Most of the American movies are subtitled.  But Ice Age is in Spanish and on Tuesdays the movies are half price.   I do not like getting up early but it is better that I have more day to see more.  Two of the young girls are going to get a group to go to a bar for dancing in the evening.  I'm going to tag along.  I would not want to go alone but I would like to see the dancing etc.  Who knows maybe someone will ask me to dance and then I can break his heart at the end of the evening when I say I'm so sorry but the love of my life is in Texas.  Adios.  Imagine at my age?  It could happen people. The school showed a movie from Argentina,  La Secreto de Los Ojos.  The secret of the eyes.  Ted you should see if you could find this I think you will like it.  It is in Spanish, por supesto, and the subtitles were in Spanish.  It moved quickly so we were trying hard to keep up.  I speak Spanish better then the two girls watching with me so from time to time I would catch them up.  At one point, a woman was talking about the suspect of a crime and I said oh I think she just said he had a small dick.  And sure enough he stood up and took it out just to prove her wrong !  So I guess I understand in context pretty well.  But you know how movies have become somewhat formulaic.  I can often guess what is about to happen, well this one does keep you guessing through out and ends well.   I bought my first Inca Cola, it is cooling now.  It is a very popular soft drink yellow in color.  I do not like drinking sodas with sugar but I have to try it.  Well we figured out why Ted could not get into my blog so maybe now he can start posting some pictures.  I will send him some for each of the past days.  Although for those of you who view my facebook I have posted a few.  I took nearly 200 photos of the parade.  You gotta love digital where you can take as many as your battery will and memory will let you.  I missed some in the idle because the battery died after 2 hours because I took too many short videos.  But after an hour of charging I got another hour of photos.  At the very end of the parade they shot fireworks at Kennedy Park we could see them over the top of a building from the apartment window. Chao!


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