Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 3

Today I walked to the beach. It has been around 70 here. This is winter time here. So not a lot of people at the beach. But there were two swimmers and a while griupnof surfers. Actually I looked at it from a high cliff. Hopefullyy I will get to the waters edge before I leave. But you cross a busy highway so I do not think I can walk.
 I will have to try my hand at negotiating a taxi. After class the school arranged a salsa class. I feel pretty good about what I learned maybe I will hit a club while here. Most of the students are younger and they have been out dancing. I can probably go with one of them. I might like to go just to watch. Yep that is about it for today. Again a delicious lunch for about 4 dollar including a glass of fresh squeezed papaya juice. It was at a German restaurant but the food was peruanian. We couldn't figure out what made it German except maybe the beer.


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