Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 16

Ok two weeks is not my limit.  That was just my stomach talking.  Today after two Cipro pills I am finally able to say I am well.  Now I am thinking again of extending my stay.  But I have things to do at home so we shall see.  Still 3 weeks to go.

Yesterday they turned the electricity off in my building to replace a panel.  I headed out and when I realized it was off, I thought perhaps I should stay in until repaired.  Because if I walk down 11 flights I'm going have to come up 11 flights.  But I was starving and It was to be back on by e time I would return.  So I go.  I went back to Crepes and Waffles.  We need one of these in Dallas.  Crepes of all flavors and fashions as meals and desserts.  I had smoked cheese, jam covered in a mushroom sauce, delicious.  I was able to enjoy the better part before my stomach quit.  This place is a little pricier then others.  Before this I've only had their ice cream.  It was 20 soles for my meal of one plate.  Remember most places offer a menu of 2 plates and juice for 9 soles.  But I was full and it was exceptionally good so you gotta splurge every now and then right?  Besides at 20 soles that is still only $7.70!  Whoo hoo that's some high rolling!

When I returned to the apartment the elevator was still out.  I decides I would rather walk around town then walk up 11 flights.  So I headed towards the beach.  Got about half way and decided I was too tired.  Right in from of me was a casino.  Now I have resisted to this point.  But here I am tired, I have 30 minutes to an hour to kill, what would it hurt to play a little.  So I set a limit of 20 soles (7.70) and go inside.  First machine doubled my 20 to 40.  Next machine took me to 50, then another moved me back down to 40 and then one more before I leave, I'm determined to leave a winner so I say only a few games.  And it brings me to 56.  So my little past time earned me 37 soles!  Yea paid for that high priced lunch I had. Nearly tripled my money not bad for an hour.  But I know it doesn't always go that way.  So I do not expect they will see me again. 

Heading home I ran into the same man that I mentioned before.  He waits until I am. Ear and ask for the time.  After I pass he comes up from behind and starts trying to start up a conversation.  I wasn't sure it was him until he told me he was going to Arizona soon, which now I think is just  a lie, something to interest me he thinks.  Before I was trying to not make eye contact but at the line I recognized I glance his way.  I think he then recognizes me and quickly shuffles off.   A little scarier now that I see he seems to just troll the streets looking for women to engage with. Because he is young, not like an old man just wanting conversation.  But fortunately in our area there is a police man on nearly every other corner.  The lady of my house said yes there are police everywhere if you feel in danger just yell Hell!  I said what?  You know, yell Hell.  Like the Beatles song Hell me Hell Me.  Oh...  Sweetie you need to get a P and at the end of that word.  

Tomorrow we get a new boarder in the house.  He is from Germany.  Hope if he doesn't speak Spanish already that he speaks English because I don't think my German will get us too far.   But maybe this is a sign  that my next school should be Germany!  I may have culture shock going to Europe after paying 4 dollars for lunches in Peru.  Also tomorrow the school activity is to go rock climbing.   Should I or shouldn't I ?


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