Day 15
Travel log 2012.7.8
Not much to write for today. I got a little cocky and ate something from a street vendor and now I am paying for it. After school straight to bed, very cold. Could not get warm. After some warm tea, it came back up and now a fever. So I am warm now. I really hope it's just a 24 hour thing because I just bought excursions for the weekend. I still have one more day to recover and felt 100% better. So looks good, I think.
Today we decorated the class room for independence day and there is a contest for who is the best. So if on Facebook you "like" the page for ECELA Lima you can vote for your favorite room. Our group is called the Vicuñas. The n should have a tilde but can't figure that out right now. A vicuña is a a member of the llama family along with Alpacas. I took a nap because we were going out in the evening. Below my window I heard all this commotion. I saw a man who had a bicycle type cart for selling fruits and vegetables in a tug of war with his bike and the police. He was right at the entrance to a parking lot. That's important to the story. Finally he wins the tug of war takes his bike into the parking lot, but not before the police take something out of his box. Once the bike is in the parking lot the police seem to lose all interest in it. The man walks out and past them and just keeps on going. Another police car pulls up, they talk, then they all leave. No one touches his cart again. The explanation is that it is illegal for him to sell on the streets near my apartment. So they were going to appropriate his bike. But once it was in the parking lot, it was no longer on the streets they couldn't take it. But I suspect someone thought there was more because another man was using his cell phone to take pictures of the police car license plates and the police. So who knows?
Today I went to the movies to see Ice Age. I planned on meeting two other girls there, but we are not operating in the world of text mags and cell phones here. They have cell phones in Peru of course but we don't. So the movie started at 8:15. I arrived at 8:15. Not seeing the girls I assumed they bought their tickets and were inside. It was crazy busy because Tuesday is 1/2 off. Inside I could not see anyone, it was already dark so I take a seat and watch the movie. Ok, I need more time here, just beginning to think I'm doing pretty good. But of course the teachers speak clearly and a little slower. The movie was much quicker, so a little harder to follow. BTW, I didn't get popcorn but if I did movie, popcorn and cola would have been about 8 dollars. I really see why this is a great place to retire. If you are on social security you can live very well here. I stopped at one place for lunch and most items were 22 soles and I thought wow that is way too expensive, I usually pay 9 soles and a restaurant around the corner that is super high class is 40 soles. But the 22 would have been 8.50. In the states that would have seem cheap. But here I thought oh, no.
Causa |
Monday the start of week 2. I can already tell these five weeks are going to go by too quickly. I was afraid that 5 weeks would be too long but no, I'm already thinking I need to stay. I can tell I am already starting to think in Spanish. I think of something to write to my husband and I am thinking in Spanish and the realize no, I probably want to write to him in English. My classes changed and now they start at 9 both back to back so instead of having a lunch break I am done at lunch time. My conversation class now has only one other man but maybe tomorrow we get a new student? Who knows? My grammar class is with the same people except we lost one. She is done. Classes start every Monday so you can jump in any Monday and start wherever your level is. One of the girls is taking surfing lessons on Tuesday. So I may go with her and get to the beach tomorrow but probably I will go to the movies. Most of the American movies are subtitled. But Ice Age is in Spanish and on Tuesdays the movies are half price. I do not like getting up early but it is better that I have more day to see more. Two of the young girls are going to get a group to go to a bar for dancing in the evening. I'm going to tag along. I would not want to go alone but I would like to see the dancing etc. Who knows maybe someone will ask me to dance and then I can break his heart at the end of the evening when I say I'm so sorry but the love of my life is in Texas. Adios. Imagine at my age? It could happen people. The school showed a movie from Argentina, La Secreto de Los Ojos. The secret of the eyes. Ted you should see if you could find this I think you will like it. It is in Spanish, por supesto, and the subtitles were in Spanish. It moved quickly so we were trying hard to keep up. I speak Spanish better then the two girls watching with me so from time to time I would catch them up. At one point, a woman was talking about the suspect of a crime and I said oh I think she just said he had a small dick. And sure enough he stood up and took it out just to prove her wrong ! So I guess I understand in context pretty well. But you know how movies have become somewhat formulaic. I can often guess what is about to happen, well this one does keep you guessing through out and ends well. I bought my first Inca Cola, it is cooling now. It is a very popular soft drink yellow in color. I do not like drinking sodas with sugar but I have to try it. Well we figured out why Ted could not get into my blog so maybe now he can start posting some pictures. I will send him some for each of the past days. Although for those of you who view my facebook I have posted a few. I took nearly 200 photos of the parade. You gotta love digital where you can take as many as your battery will and memory will let you. I missed some in the idle because the battery died after 2 hours because I took too many short videos. But after an hour of charging I got another hour of photos. At the very end of the parade they shot fireworks at Kennedy Park we could see them over the top of a building from the apartment window. Chao!
Ok, so I hope I can enlist my husband to help put up a few pictures. I know this would be so much more interesting. But apparently there are some features on some websites that do not work with the IPad . Uploading pictures to this site is one of them. Today was Camille's last day of class. Her fiancé came to town and they are headed off to the Amazon. So after class we went to a Pub and had a couple of beers, talked about dogs, cats, etc. One of the students is Australian and I learned today the term cheeky snaps. What he calls taking pictures. So I'm learning Spanish and a little Australian. We had out first exam to determine placement for the next week. I aced it of course. But nothing to be too proud of, I mean this is a voluntary school so it was a little light. Just enough for them to determine what level to put you at. Not like I was going to get kicked out or anything. But one of e students did choose today to have lunch with a friend and did not make it back to class. So I don't know what penalty she will face. Lol Tomorrow, I will take a tour bus into Central Lima. I do not know what could happen if you grab a taxi off the streets but I was warned again not to do it. The señor of the house says even his wife is forbidden to take a taxi off the streets. She has to call the taxi company. I didn't get the whole story, but the taxis do not have meters. They changed the rules a while back and anyone with a car that can drive can call himself a taxi. So without meters, or any other provisions you really are just jumping into a strangers car. So he is adamant that it is not safe for a single woman to do. I do not believe I will test it out, I will just believe him. I had a Duncan donut. I have resisted the treats and such but I finally caved. But I walked quite always to and back from there so that should count for something. It is about a 15 minute walk there.
Today I had lunch with a new friend from e states. I know her aunt and uncle and she ate at my restaurant once. So we kind of new each other. She married a Peruvian that she met in London of all places. They have one daughter 15 months old and she is expecting her second. She has invited me to stay with them in a house in Pisac when I move to Cusco. I brought her some Boudreauxs Butt Cream from the states. Apparently the diaper creams in Peru are not good. Two girls and I walked to e Inca Mart and I bought a couple of small things. I am trying to wait until I leave so I do not have to carry so much to Cusco. So I will go on a grand buying spree on the 18th and for now try to just window shop and compare prices. You do not have to ask for organic here it pretty much is all organic. The chickens are not pumped full of hormones. Everything I've had has been delicious. For lunch I had the equivalent of a Philly cheesesteak but the seasoning was excellent. For dinner my host family made a simple dessert of bananas, cinnamon, sugar and she said just a touch of Pisco, The local liqueur. I learned that way way back they used to give the slaves the hearts, livers, brains etc of the animals. Then they saw the slaves were growing big and strong because it was so rich they started using it. I assured him I did not care to eat heart. He said if I put it on a plate and I do not tell you what it is? I said that would be very bad of you. He promised he would not sneak that in on me.
Today I walked to the beach. It has been around 70 here. This is winter time here. So not a lot of people at the beach. But there were two swimmers and a while griupnof surfers. Actually I looked at it from a high cliff. Hopefullyy I will get to the waters edge before I leave. But you cross a busy highway so I do not think I can walk.
As I headed to the airport there were two voices in my head. One saying "Stop, stop go back. What are you doing? They have parasites in the water, you don't know your way. Just stay home until someone can come with you.". The other voice says "Shut up, I'm going. I will not stay home so you are wasting your breath." The flights were uneventful for me at least. In Miami the flight was delayed because out of a group of 14 teenagers only 4 made it in the plane. After a few minutes search the decision was made to remove their luggage from the plane and we were on our way, Hmmm, how did 10 of them not make it in the plane and yet their luggage did? We obviously see way too many movies. Rarely have I been on a plane and not seen the movie showing. No exception today they showed Mysterious Island. Not one of those great movies you like to see over and over again. So I get a head start on my blog. So far the only item left behind that I know of, is my Chefs Envy. I bought two to bring as gifts for my host families. But luckily I also brought truffles so not going empty handed. Now Ted will have a great White Elephant gift for his company Christmas lunch. Already obvious I am in the minority, mostly Spanish around and they ran out of English custom cards so I had to do mine in Spanish. It wasn't a problem only one word on the form I didn't recognize and my seat mate helped with that. Only I do not believe she speaks English because she gave me e definition in Spanish. The word was for bags, but it was not bolsa that I would know it was Bultos. Now she said it was like cartons but my dictionary says lump. Hmmm... Well if I get it wrong I hope customs here has a sense of humor! I arrived at my destination at 11 in the evening. 12 hours or travel time. The flight was late so I was a little anxious when I didn't see my driver. But just as I decided I needed to call someone he came around. I am staying with an older couple in an apartment on the 11th floor. It is very nice and clean. My hosts are very nice. They have one daughter living here another in Canada and a third in Los Angeles. I would not want all of my kids spread out so far. But that seems to be the way of the world now. Perhaps that is why they take in students from the school. I am not the typical age of their students. The other student staying in the house is 15. In two weeks we will have. Student from Germany. So I may get a little two for one, although we should not change to German. That is why you do not do these classes with a friend. Because the temptation to speak your native tongue is too great. The purpose here is to force using and listening in the language you are learning. My class times will begin at 11 in the morning, Yea! I do not have to get up so early. I will be done by 4pm and then I can begin to walk around Lima.
It is now just seven days before I will board a flight and leave my husband and family and the United States for Peru. This has been a long time coming. From an early age I always planned on traveling the world. I planned on learning 13 languages and having 12 kids. I haven't accomplished either. But I do have 3 sons, twin boys who are probably very grateful I changed my plans on naming them Prometheus and Epimetheus. Today is their birthday, they turned 28. Their older brother Mark is 30. I also have studied French, German, Spanish, Italian, and sign language. But I digress. I thought I might join the peace corps. But you need a college degree so I started school. Bored with school I jumped into marriage and motherhood. After the kids were graduated I looked into the Peace Corps as I now had a BA and an MBA but as it turns out along the way I had joined the Navy Reserves in Intelligence. They do not let you do Peace Corps if you are recently involved in Intel. I could have told them I didn't know much and wouldn't spy but just the same that was a dead end. My mother got the idea we should start a store. I worked endlessly trying to make that venture work but six years later we closed. At last I am free, no kids, no job, what shall I do? For the first few months my mother needed my help as she recovered from symptoms of myasethia Gravis. I had a few months of freedom and then accepted a job that promised travel opportunities. But the first few months were the busiest so the furthest I traveled was Granbury, Texas. After the Christmas Season I went to Arkansas then to Houston to learn to be a trainer for the company. This was supposed to be a traveling trainer position but shortly after I was trained the company changed policy and wanted to have trainers for each area. Oh and did I mention being in the military for travel, but with kids being young and the project I worked on that adventure got me as far as Corpus Christi. Then a situation comes up and Ted and I find ourselves parents again to a 7 year old and 3 year old. Ted lets me know very quickly that this means even Houston is out of the question. Grounded again. The girls were returned to their parents on June 15 and by the end of the next week I finalized my trip to Peru before anything else could possibly stop me. I am already making plans after Peru for Montreal, China and perhaps Thailand. Now I have to work in there somewhere so we shall see if the company promise of travel holds true. We sell in Montreal, Toronto, Scotland, England, and New York. So hopefully I can refill the coffers every now and then. Now life has been good. I have been able to travel probably more then some not as much as others and certainly not as much as I would like. But it has always been my desire to do more then just visit. I want to live there, be a part of it. So here I go...I will update this blog from time to time on what I find along the way. The school I chose has three locations, Argentina, Chile or Peru. Since I chose Peru it seems like the universe is telling me that was a good choice. A friend of my mother's, Tomas, his mother lives there. Last week I ran into an good customer from the store and discovered her niece lives there. I contacted her and she has invited me to stay at their house in Pisac, she wants to meet for lunch or dinner and has offered any assistance I may need. So I will not be totally alone. I will be attending a school taking 20 hours a week in Spanish classes and the school has arranged for me to stay with an older couple in their spare bedroom. It is only 94 right now but this past week has seen temperatures well over 100 to 109. It is winter in Peru, Lima around 70 and the nights in Cusco will get down to 35. So I shall not miss this Texas heat. Adios, por ahora, Laura.